AWESOME STUDENT ALERT!! GMS students of the week!!! Tell these students great job ij you know them!!
almost 3 years ago, Garrard Middle School
This afternoon, the GMS Cougar Baseball team and coaching staff was recognized and honored during the 2022 Regular Session of the KY General Assembly for their extraordinary performance last season- as they were the first team to bring home a Conference Championship title!⚾ Representative David R. Meade and Representative Josh Bray joined in congratulating this team and extended them best wishes for many future monuments of success!
almost 3 years ago, Garrard County Schools
GMS Baseball
Our Garrard Middle School and Garrard County High School TATU group (Teens Against Tobacco Use), visited all three elementary schools today to perform a puppet show discussing the harmful effects of nicotine.
almost 3 years ago, Garrard County Schools
Important Update: The Board recently approved the following change to next school year's (2022-23) calendar: August 8th will now be Opening Day, with students returning on August 9th, and May 22nd will now be closing day. Stay up to date on all calendar amendments through our app or website!
almost 3 years ago, Garrard County Schools
Calendar Update Graphic
2022-23 Calendar
Cougar Paws for GMS Students showing PRIDE!!
almost 3 years ago, Garrard Middle School
CALENDAR REMINDER: Tomorrow Friday, March 18th will be an instructional day for students and staff. You can view our amended calendar on our website:
almost 3 years ago, Garrard County Schools
Calendar Reminder-March 18th
Cougar Paw Alert!! These students have shown PRIDE at GMS!!
almost 3 years ago, Garrard Middle School
CALENDAR REMINDER: Friday, March 18th will be an instructional day for students and staff. You can view our amended calendar on our website:
almost 3 years ago, Garrard County Schools
Calendar Reminder: March 18th
GMS Students showing PRIDE!!
almost 3 years ago, Garrard Middle School
We would like to thank everyone who took advantage of our Test to Stay program during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. The company providing this resource is no longer offering testing services, therefore GCS will no longer be able to offer this option to our community.
almost 3 years ago, Garrard County Schools
FYI Graphic
Cougar Paw Alert!! GMS Students showing PRIDE!
almost 3 years ago, Garrard Middle School
GC Parents and Families: It is that time of year again to register for preschool screenings! If you have a preschool-aged child who qualifies for preschool, use this link to sign up for their screening. Please note, a preschool-aged child cannot register for preschool enrollment without scheduling and attending a screening in April or May. Click this link to register for a screening:
almost 3 years ago, Garrard County Schools
Preschool Flyer
Our GMS District 11 Honors Band members did an outstanding job on their performance last week!🎵🎺🎷
almost 3 years ago, Garrard County Schools
GMS Honors Band
This week is National School Breakfast week! To celebrate we are highlighting one of our school's breakfast each day- today we are featuring Garrard Middle School! Fruit and warm breakfast pizza wrapped to go-yum! Remember to check our app to know what's on the menu each day!
almost 3 years ago, Garrard County Schools
GMS Breakfast
Cougars Paws for GMS Students who have shown PRIDE!
almost 3 years ago, Garrard Middle School
GMS Students of the Week!! These students have went above and beyond over the week, tell them way to go if you know them!!
almost 3 years ago, Garrard Middle School
GMS Cougar Paws for students showing PRIDE!
almost 3 years ago, Garrard Middle School
GMS Students of the Month! These students have exceeded the expectations of GMS! If you know them, tell them congratulations! Karoline Tudor, Ash LaFountain, Lori Burkhead, Alex Hounshell, Eli Pevley. Not pictured Zoe Jordan and Kai Weaver.
almost 3 years ago, Garrard Middle School
Safety Reminder for all GC Students/Families: The School Safety Resiliency Act requires any person entering a school to show valid identification, even if the office staff recognizes the person. Please have a valid ID ready when entering a GC school building.
almost 3 years ago, Garrard County Schools
GCS-Safety Reminder
GMS Students of the Week!! if you know these wonderful students, tell them they are doing great!
almost 3 years ago, Garrard Middle School