Weekly Announcements: May 6th - 10th
iReady Testing [Kinder, 1st, & 2nd Grade] will take place this week, May 6th - 10th!
WoooHoo!! Look at these 1st grade bobcats go!! [DISTINGUISHED] Unit assessment for these guys!! Way to go! So proud of you all! Keep up the fantastic work!
Reminder: KSA Testing starts this Friday!
You go 3rd Grade!! Check out these [DISTINGUISHED] bobcats!! You guys are crushing it!! Keep up the excellent work! We are so proud of you!
Way to go 4th Graders!!! Keep pushing & keep up that [DISTINGUISHED] work! So proud of these students and their hard work on their last District Unit Math Assessment! YAY!
REMINDER: KSA Testing begins this week for our 3rd, 4th and 5th graders
Get ready to Run for Roses at the Garrard County High School Project Graduation Mini Prom! 🌹 Calling all 4th and 5th graders for a great evening on Friday, May 10th, 2024, at 6:30PM in the GCHS Cafeteria. Admission is $6, concessions and pictures will also be sold- proceeds will support Project Graduation. Can't wait to see you there!
Weekly Announcements: APRIL 29TH - MAY 3RD
Reminder → Tomorrow [Friday, April 26th] is Snowie Ice
Attention 3rd/4th/5th Grade Families: KSA Testing Information
Mark Your Calendars!!
With just a short time left in this school year - we're excited to invite you to our grade level End of the School Year Celebrations! Sign ups will come home with students in the coming weeks! Hope to see you there!
Weekly Announcements: April 22nd - 26th
WOHOO HOO!! Way to go 4th Graders! Fantastic work on your last District Science Unit Assessment! So proud of your [DISTINGUISHED] work!
Way to go Kindergarten! These bobcats were [DISTINGUISHED] on their last Unit Assessments! So proud of your hard work! YAY!
Bobcat Bolt → Important Information
REMINDER! Bobcat Bolt is this FRIDAY!!
T-shirts for the race will go home with students on Thursday, April 18th.
Race Warm-Ups will begin @5:15 in the car rider loop.
Can't wait to see you there!
Mark your Calendars!
3rd, 4th and 5th graders will be participating in the Kentucky Summative Assessments, May 3rd - 10th. See the schedule below. Please keep these dates in mind when scheduling appointments
Congratulations 3rd Grade!!! So many [DISTINGUISHED] bobcats on the last District Math Unit assessment! So proud of you all!
So proud of these [DISTINGUISHED] 5th grade bobcats! WAY TO GO! Excellent work on your latest District Unit Math Assessment! Keep up the great work!