November 2, 2021
I would like to welcome you to our school. I am pleased that you have chosen our school to further your education. Our professional staff is committed to helping you succeed in yo...

January 12, 2024
Garrard County High School Hosted Informative Scheduling Orientation Night on January 8th
In an effort to ease the transition from middle school to high school, Garrard Count...

January 20, 2023
Congratulations to Mr. Jerry Martin for being recognized as the Garrard County Schools Teacher of the Month sponsored by Whitaker Bank! #cdrproud #gcsproud Mr. Jerry Martin has ...
May 18, 2022
An Expansion to Garrard County Area Technology Center Health Science Department Thanks to the generosity of the Bluegrass Community and Technical College team and the UK Healthc...

February 23, 2022
The Garrard County Board of Education members approved an adjustment to adult breakfast and lunch prices at the last Board meeting, February 17th 2022. The GCS Food Service Depa...

February 9, 2022
SIXTEEN Area Technology Center Students Passed Phlebotomy Technician Certification Exam The Garrard County Area Technology Center offers students a chance to take classes in t...

January 21, 2022
Garrard County Schools would like to celebrate the dedication, commitment, and work our school board members provide to our students and staff! We thank you for all that you do fo...

January 20, 2022
Please take a moment to participate in the Biennium FRYSC Survey. This data collection effort informs state leadership about the importance of the FRYSC program. The survey will ...

January 5, 2022
Students will be expected to log on to classes virtually, each period via Google Classroom Meet Links unless instructed otherwise by teachers.. *See modified c...

December 30, 2021
We are excited to share a project we have been working on for our students to enjoy over Christmas break!
Each night we will post TWO bedtime stories, read by two different GC ...

November 23, 2021
The calendar committee is seeking your input on the new 2022-23 GCS calendar. Please CLICK HERE to complete the survey. You may only complete the survey once. The survey will c...

November 16, 2021
GCS PARENTS/GUARDIANS: As you know, districts are making decisions regarding mask mandates. Some districts have chosen to change wearing masks from a requirement to an option. Th...

November 4, 2021
District Social Media Platforms Welcome to the newly updated Garrard County Schools social media platforms! If you have not already done so, please like and follow the acco...

November 2, 2021
CLICK HERE to view our 2021-22 School Year Calendar.

October 22, 2021
Greg Taylor is the lead teacher at the ATC and has been a resource teacher for new teachers. Mr. Taylor works hard to provide the instruction to his students on the latest softwar...