Mrs. Atallah's 6th grade students applied critical thinking skills to complete a Mesopotamian breakout game during Social Studies class!

Mrs. Atallah's 6th grade students applied critical thinking skills to complete a Mesopotamian breakout game during Social Studies class!

Today's transformation brought to you by GCHS 1999 graduate, Mr. Daniel Hopkins! #transformationtuesday

GCS is always thankful for returning alumni! Anna Del Rio visited Mrs. Mason's GMS Art classes today to discuss her major in Landscape Architecture. Anna is currently a sophomore at the University of Kentucky. She shared experiences with students and assisted them while completing their own landscape project!

Today's motivation brought to by GCHS Senior, Alison Stiles. Let's all strive to inspire others this week! #mondaymotivation

Another Friday, another feature! Today, we are featuring a great teacher from Paint Lick Elementary, Ms. Jamie McGlothlin. Read about why she loves teaching in Garrard County! #featurefriday

Welcome to the newly updated Garrard County Schools social media platforms! If you have not already done so, please like and follow the accounts for student/staff features, announcements, and much more! You can simply click the links below to be directed to each platform.
Also included is the district social media email. If you are at an event, snapping pictures of our students, please send them to the email address with a short description and look for them to be posted on our pages!
Facebook: Garrard County Schools
Instagram: garrard_county_schools
Twitter: @schools_garrard
Youtube: Garrard County High School Sports Channel
Email: socialmedia@garrard.kyschools.us

Mr. Kennedy's gym class divided into eight teams today for a little healthy competition! Groups of three used teamwork to compete on the row and ski machines! #wellnesswednesday

Mrs. Arnold's music class using the {Stand Up, Hand Up, Pair Up} structure while reading poem phrases in different dynamic levels. Most students chose to read their phrases in forte!

Tuesday Transformation brought to you by Mrs. Wendy Congleton! #transformationtuesday

Today we are celebrating Mrs. Tracie Bottoms, Principal at Lancaster Elementary. Read about why she loves being a GC Principal! Thanks for all you do for the students of GC, Mrs. Bottoms!

October is #NationalPrincipalsMonth. We are spending the last days of October celebrating our amazing principals at each of our schools. Today we are celebrating Mrs. Lesley Lawson, Principal at Camp Dick Robinson. Mrs. Lawson is in her 2nd year as Principal of CDR. Read about why she loves being a GC Principal! Thanks for all you do for the students of GC, Mrs. Lawson!

ATC Principals of Health class passing out candy to our GEC Preschoolers for Trick or Treat Day!

Mrs. Albright's 2nd Grade class looking great in their costumes today!

October is #NationalPrincipalsMonth. We are spending the last days of October celebrating our amazing principals at each of our schools. Today we are celebrating Ms. Liz Erwin, Principal at Paint Lick Elementary. Ms. Erwin is in her 5th year as Principal of PLE. Read about why she loves being a GC Principal! Thanks for all you do for the students of GC, Ms. Erwin!

We appreciate the willingness of our students and staff to donate blood. Thank you to the GC FCCLA Club for hosting the blood drive today!

Happy Friday! Today we are featuring Ms. Allison Cooper from CDR. Read about why she loves teaching in Garrard County! #featurefriday

This chilly fall weather calls for chili! Our GMS Family Consumer Science class had a chili cook off this week!

The GC HOSA Club (Health Occupations Students of America) had a pumpkin decorating contest!

October is #NationalPrincipalsMonth. We are spending the last days of October celebrating our amazing principals at each of our schools. Today we are celebrating Mr. Jim Freeman- Principal of Garrard Middle School. Mr. Freeman is in his 2nd year as Principal of GMS. Read about why he loves being a GC Principal! Thanks for all you do for the students of GC, Mr. Freeman!