The Kentucky Department of Education is encouraging schools to celebrate February as Career and Technical Education Month. In doing so, KDE's Office of Career and Technical Education provided mini-grant application opportunities to schools to assist in funding expenses while showcasing their specific Career and Technical Education Pathways at KDE organized events. There are two scheduled events that selected schools will showcase their pathways. The showcase will take place on February 21st at the Kentucky State Capitol, from 1:30PM to 4PM. ET. Displays will be set up around the mezzanine level for legislators, guests and the general public to tour and speak with the students. A second opportunity for selected schools to share their displays will take place at the KSBA Annual Conference on February 24th, from 11AM to 3PM. ET at the Galt House Hotel in Louisville.
High schools and Vocational schools could choose one pathway to highlight on their mini-grant application. Around seventy schools submitted applicants for the mini-grants. The Kentucky Department of Education awarded thirty-two schools initiations to showcase events and funds to assist with expenses.
Garrard County Schools received TWO invitations and TWO mini-grants to highlight the Health Science pathway at the Area Technology Center and the E-Commerce pathway at Garrard County High School. Students of both pathways are currently working on presentations for the showcase events in February.
Garrard County High School's E-Commerce pathway will showcase media, retail operations, and Co-op opportunities of GCHS students. The Area Technology Center's Health Science pathway plans to showcase skills of Phlebotomy and Nurse Aide students in real time, while also featuring alumni members who have entered the healthcare workforce.
CLICK HERE to view the full KDE article, and full list of school recipients.