Title: Chairman
Email: jandpbrowning@windstream.net
Dr. Jerry Browning, better known as Brother Jerry, grew up in Lancaster and attended the Garrard County Schools. He was in the first class to graduate from the consolidated schools in Garrard County High School in 1965. He was drafted into the Army a year after graduating from high school and served a tour in Viet Nam. He received his private pilot’s license in 1980 and joined the Civil Air Patrol where he served as a missio pilot for 16 years. He married Patti in 1968 and decided to become a preacher in 1971. He led churches across the state, but was able to return to Garrard County ministry and began mentoring in the schools in 1997. Brother Jerry and Patti have 2 daughters and 7 grandchildren. Brother Jerry wanted to become more involved in the school system and chose to begin his service on the board of education in 2004.